Workplace injuries experience has a severe impact on the lives of victims. In addition to suffering several medical injuries that can even be life-threatening, they lose their wages and experience emotional distress.
Workers’ compensation allows victims to recover their medical and other related expenses and some of their lost income. You must consult an experienced lawyer for workers’ comp in Cedar Rapids after being injured at your job to ensure that you take the proper legal steps. Without their guidance, you may end up with a dismissed or reduced claim, which significantly impacts your future security.
Some mistakes victims make that you should avoid.
- They do not seek healthcare services.
One of the most crucial steps you must take after suffering from injuries at your workplace is to seek medical care. It ensures that your injuries are quickly diagnosed and effectively treated. It also reduces the risk of slowly developing injuries such as traumatic brain injuries remaining undetected. If you detect such an injury after your case is settled, it may lead to significant losses that you cannot recover.
- They do not consult a lawyer.
Workers’ compensation claims are complex, and the assistance of a qualified lawyer can ease your stress. They help you understand the laws that affect you and ensure that you initiate legal action within the statute of limitations. They also ensure that you seek the maximum compensation you can to recover your damages.
- They agree to the first settlement offers.
Insurance companies utilize several tactics to devalue the victim’s claim and even dismiss it altogether. It is not uncommon for their first settlement offer to be low and insufficient to recover your losses. If you accept this offer, you will be unable to seek fair compensation, and your future financial state will be at risk. Your lawyer understands the extent of your damages and negotiates with firms on your behalf to help you attain fair compensation.
- They post on social media.
In today’s world, almost every person is an avid social media user. However, posting on social media platforms during your case can hurt your compensation. Claim adjusters may use a harmless post to prove that your injuries are not as severe as you claim and lower your settlement. You must make your profiles private or temporarily deactivate them and refrain from posting online.
A lawyer in Cedar Rapids understands your situation and prevents you from making such mistakes that can hurt your case. Their advice and expertise allow you to receive the compensation you deserve.