The actors in asset management are subjects to strong regulatory and performance requirements, A2 Consulting supports you in the design and implementation of your transformation plans. Our teams of specialists provide you with the necessary expertise to meet your specific needs.
Asset Management strategy
Financial investment teams are subject to strict requirements for efficiency, risk management and regulatory constraints. They are mainly found in the asset management company sector, but also in the insurance and banking investment departments. As a part of the Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 the following steps are important.
The Consulting team is built on three pillars: business, consulting and project.
- They have a very good knowledge of the business and organization of management companies, as well as of the investment processes with intermediaries, market banks, managers and investors and insurers.
- They design action plans to control the impact of new regulations and brings her knowledge of technological innovations to make the most of them.
- Through its mastery of project management techniques, it accelerates and secures the adaptation of organizations and the implementation of tools.
- Anyone can argue that most businesses have assets. Manufacturers own manufacturing equipment, transport companies have fleets of vehicles, hospitals have facilities, and cities have infrastructure, etc.
Asset Management
Why is Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) at the Heart of Organizations?
Assets are the instruments that enable organizations to achieve their goals; whether it’s profitability or return on investment for an auto or steel maker, delivering key services in a hospital ward, or educating students on a college campus. Assets are essential to the mission of most organizations. And the more assets there are, the more complex the orchestration of workforce, process, and technology becomes to ensure that these assets deliver what the organization needs and expects. The experts believe that in order for organizations to effectively manage their assets, they need to take a more holistic and strategic view of their assets across all of their operations.
The asset management lifecycle
Primarily, good asset management is about finding the balance between return, risk and cost required to achieve optimal production or service outcomes. It ends up becoming the heart of any successful organization. Even more, if the pulse of these assets is monitored effectively and efficiently, the life cycle of the assets will be optimized.
Make no mistake, GAE should be planned throughout the lifecycle of an asset and managed to drive excellence in maintenance and operational execution. It must be analyzed with tenacity in order to predict the potential failure of an asset so that preventive actions are put in place before the failure occurs. This is to ensure optimal functioning of assets in their operational environment. It is necessary to know your point of origin and arrival. Using an asset management maturity model like the one shown in the table below is a good starting point for mapping this adventure.